Thursday, July 31, 2014

World War III - Refuse to fight.

World War III - Refuse to fight.

Hey Friend,

After our conversation yesterday about: Driving people into poverty to be able to use them for a world war. I have been listening to the people I meet every day. I have learned over the years they are usually good reporters of the propaganda. The racial tensions are growing. This morning I woke up with the words "Emerging markets" in my head.
It is becoming so much clearer to me.

Now that labor and production is not working to keep the capitalistic wheels turning. Consumers in developed societies are not the consumers they once were, because they have everything they need (relatively speaking) Capital speculation is at its peak or in collapse. 
Wars are the only way for capitalism/imperialism to remain in business. 

The drive for wars is not only for resources: raw materials; minerals; oil... and people’s energy/labor to do work and markets to sell products to. It is to destroy infrastructure to create the necessity to rebuild keeping the capitalistic machine expanding and running. Without new places to expand into, people and nature to exploit and something to build and all the 'resources' and energy to build it; products (as produced by the military products from the military industrial complex) produced in capitalistic countries cannot be sold. These are the places where they have the beautiful capitalistic gardens of 'emerging markets'. Not to mention the extraction of wealth and energy from the people who pay for the wars

No one looks at the devastation to people lives and nature to empower the few who really profit from the containment of people and the devastation of nature and life for the power and wealth of  a few.

The world is being driven into poverty and the people are being prepared for world war.

So the capitalists can destroy as much as possible to create new 'Emerging markets'.

It is the mind of the sociopath that could come up with this!

They realize no war no capitalism - that is why they are constantly trying to pick a fight and expand.
If we do not fall for it and refuse to fight this would be the greatest revolution of all time.
Don't fight and capitalism dies... this seems like the best idea I have had so far...

Denis Moore
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Tel: 954 882 5298
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Thursday, July 24, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Don’t argue from within.

Don’t argue from within a paradigm or schooled way of thinking.

You cannot argue economics from within the monetary economic system; because it is an untrue, abstract and unnatural system. Money coin paper plastic digits on a screen all abstractly represent real energy – they do not contain the energy they represent – they are symbolic representations of energy – you cannot eat money and survive. The real economic system is: The sun shines and radiates energy outwards, as do most other beings in the universe. The radiated energy is received by other beings, life and the planet. Simply put: “The sun shines the plants grow. We eat the plants and we grow.” “Universal wisdom: We live in a Giving and Receiving energy universe.” This is the true economic system. You have to have a universal view to be able to stand outside the monetary economic system and the natural system to see what is happening. For example: To see how we are converting living energy systems into dead abstract money; because of the pyramid scheme and its values and beliefs.

As people living in centralized cities, caught up in the pyramid designed lifestyle. Separated from our basic human rights to land food water knowledge and having to work, for the man, to perpetuate the power and control of the "owners" who rule us. From within the slave prison camps – cities without access to our basic human rights our conversation from within the paradigm is: “Get a job"  "Make some money” “Don’t be lazy” “Be positive" "Be more efficient and effective” “don’t waste time” "Be more positive"…. What we should be saying is: "Create a sustainable ecosystem around you." "Spread out on the land, create water and food security" "Grow food around you for yourselves and others". "Take only what you need" "Give and receive in balance". Arguing, about jobs and who’s lazy and who is not, is to argue from within the destructive paradigm that is killing our natural world.

Living in a dominant western pyramid society with materialism as one of the founding beliefs. Science and physics is biased towards materialism. If you stand outside the system you can observe the bias. If you know or understand the natural cyclical energy motion nature of our relative universe you will see clearly the bias towards materialism and absolutism and other values of our dominant religious pyramid paradigm.

Arguing religion, from within the Bible will get you nowhere because of the contradictions. There are two opposing philosophies deftly woven together. There is an argument for and against many fundamental thoughts. So you will just go back and forth; never finding your way out of the insanity of the pyramid system. This is a very clever way of justifying the pyramid system and the centralization of power and control over all people and the planet for the benefit of a few.

We are so schooled and indoctrinated by the pyramid scheme to perpetuate it. We are running like hamsters on a wheel or like donkeys chasing the illusive money carrot. We have become so dumbed down through specialization that we don’t have the perspective we need to be able to be outside observers of ourselves and the thought control systems that control us.

We are so caught up with arguments, within the paradigms of the pyramid systems, we cannot see the truth. So the majority of us are unable to make better or wiser choices.

The solutions are not within. To Help Save Our World for our children we need to find the truth. We need to ask questions like:
What is the true economic system? 
What is the true natural balancing system? 
What do we have to do to perpetuate healthy happy lives?
These answers are not to be found from within the Pyramid Scheme and all its institutionalized controlled thoughts and behaviors.

You have to step outside the boxes of the mind that separate us. We have to come together as one with the life force of the natural economic system. To ensure that we not only survive but we thrive and live happy healthy lives in Love Balance and Harmony with all life; within the womb of mother earth. We have to reconnect with the energy of life and nature all around us.

Don’t be controlled and divided by fear and blind belief any more. Think and use reasonable logic to find the truth. It is out there if you are only able to be open minded and have a honest heart and question everything in search of the truth. Think outside the pyramids controlled thought.

How long has it been since you woke up before the dawn and experienced the transition from shadow into sunshine and stayed outside to experience all the changes throughout the light cycle experiencing the fading of the light into shadow? If it has been a long a while, I suggest you make a point of getting out into nature or going to the beach and living the experience. Begin to think outside the absolutist concept of day and night, light and darkness; the cycles are not absolute. Begin to appreciate the cycles of change as they are happening. The abstract ways of thinking of the pyramid scheme are untrue to nature and who and what we are. 

Have a great outdoor cyclical experience of sunshine changing in intensity throughout the day and fading into shadow, experience the effects of the moons cycles through the night and the shadow of dawn easing into sunshine and all of the different variations in between. Realize that it is all about cycles upon cycles that create our cyclical energy reality. Life is not about abstract absolutes as implied with in the abstract values and beliefs of the pyramids scheme.

Now practice thinking with a perspective from outside the thought controlled paradigms. Think from outside the pyramid schemes. The pyramid creates extreme imbalances of power and control; greed; wars; hatred; plunder; it divides and rules; and is killing our natural world. Begin to distinguish between thoughts and language from within the pyramid paradigm and know the truth.

The answers to our world’s problems can only be found with an honest or truthful observes perspective. So don’t waste your time and energy arguing from within a paradigm. When others argue from within become an observer and a thinker of alternatives from outside the paradigms.

I will bring you more solutions soon
Denis M

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: I question whether the opposite of love is fear or separateness.

I suggest it is: Love or separateness or disconnectedness. Being: together or apart. Being: one or divided. Trust in being one or allowing fear to separate us. The choice could be to choose to live and trust in love or to live in fear and be divided; however fear is not the opposite of love.

Fear is often used as motivation to divide us. Segregation or separateness is the opposite of Love. It is the opposite of the social connection between people and societal groups; the opposite of social relationships. Human love is the connection between: people; people and nature and the connection between humans and the universe. The opposite of love is to break apart and destroy love relationships. The extreme form of antisocial behavior is to be divisive to the extreme and to behave in a sociopathic way destroying as many love relationships as possible.

In my definition: Love is connectivity and sharing of energy. Of course there are many different expressions of love but at its core it is: connectivity and the sharing of energy. It is those connected social relationships between: people; people and nature; nature and nature; people and the universe; and the sharing of energy.
The energy we share can be experience in many ways: that warm glowing radiating energy of love, heat, light, knowledge wisdom or all the forms of energy we share when we are in connected loving giving and receiving relationships.

Love is this connectivity and sharing of energy of nature and the universe. Love is who we are; what we are; where we come from. We are connected as one with the nature and the universe.
Love is the universal agreement. It is the most important universal wisdom. Love is the essential way of being. With love we will thrive as a life force. We are living on a more and more loveless planet and love is the key to survival.

Divided we will be controlled for the benefit of a few and the destruction of love and all life. We need to come together as: one people; one humanity; one life force; one with of the world of human beings; one with nature; and one with the universe.

So the opposite of love is to be divided.
It is a choice between being social or antisocial.
Between: togetherness or separateness.
Being: together or separate.
The choice is: Living with connected relationships or dying as divisive sociopaths with antisocial behavior.

In our country we are schooled to focus on individual achievement above the group. The individual is considered to be more important that the society. We are schooled in competition as opposed to cooperation, “Survival of the fittest” Hero’s; Presidents; Stars. Our country focuses on war; destruction; plunder; divide and rule; driving people off the land into cities for the centralization of control and power dividing people from their relationships with one another, life, nature, animals, community, tribes… breaking down the social fabric/love for centralization of power. This is done for the democratic lie: “We are spreading democracy for the good of humanity” – who wants democracy in a prison. This is the opposite of love. It is anti-social, anti-relationships. It is anti-love. The centralized power based system and owners of our society are only concerned with expansion of power; which is anti-social behavior. It is violence against nature and people and the universe.

Those that govern and control us are persuading; conditioning; schooling and indoctrinating us to stand upon others to achieve their selfish goals. The rich and powerful are perceived as famous and powerful and put on pedestals; when in all honesty to be rich and powerful to the extreme is to be antisocial/anti-love and even sociopathic.

To take more than you need in a limited connected natural system is to destroy the fabric of love. Taking all the energy that is needs to be shared, to create a loving connected thriving living interconnected living ecosystem, is an extreme form of violence and destruction.

For love to rule the world, we need to love, to reconnect and share the energy with all of life and nature. We need to rebuild those relationships. Love is to only take what you need and constantly give and receive in balance and harmony with all others.
It is ok to take what you need.
Love is the social agreement. We are all in this together so we must give and receive in balance and harmony with one another nature and the universe.
Love is connectivity and the sharing of energy.

The choice is: together or divided.  This is choice is decided by whether we trust in the nature of the universe and we trust in one another or we try and do it all alone. This is where we either let fear and blind belief be our motivation or not. So it is all about trust or fear; love or being divided.

We are living in a society that rates individualism above social interaction and connectivity. This way of living is to live as antisocial sociopaths. This antisocial way of life goes back to segregation and elitism which are fundamental beliefs in religions: Segregation is that dividing belief of our religions that destroys the fabric of Love. By believing you are separate from the rest of the people and nature and that you are “the chosen ones” or belong to a special group you do great harm to love. Destroying the essential relationship on which all life is based. Segregation is a belief in separateness which results in divide and rule, divide and conquer, private ownership of land, privatization. Segregation is antisocial or a sociopathic way of separating for control and power. Elitism is the belief that one group is superior or separate from or “the chosen ones” or “born agains” or “Christians” and the others are heathen’s; pagans; barbarians... Elitism is an ego driven form of segregation it is also divisive and the opposite of love.

The motivation to divide people from the land and destroy their relationships with one another and nature, food and water knowledge and wisdom is to control and own it all. It is also for the centralization of power for the benefit of a few. Dividing the people from their basic human rights and natural love relationships with the land water food air animals and one another is to destroy love; to destroy their relationships and the sharing of energy.

Segregation/divide and rule is done by destroying the loving community which has strong social relationships and cannot normally be easily divided.

Breaking the love relationships between people and the land food and water has been done in many ways throughout history through the use of: force; fear; wars; slash and burn; genocide; driving people apart; driving them off the land; keeping them moving from place to place so they cannot maintain the relationships and grow loving relationships; destroy nature by using poisons like napalm in Vietnam; private property ownership – divide the people from land food and water and one another and create competition and you keep dividing the people; Establishing borders and build walls and fences; controlling movement with passports social security cards…; keeping people living in fear; using force the breakdown of the social contract; using laws and policing and prisons to keep them divided and under control; punishing or kill them if they do not obey; driving them into poverty; using economic sanctions; introducing violence to create instability to introduce; puppet governments; kill the peoples leaders; send in mercenaries or CIA or military to create coupes… the list goes on and on…
We are living in a more and more sick world; a more and more loveless world.

If we want to Help Save Our World, for our children and all live on this planet, we need to come together once again as one life force; one people; one nature; one universe and reestablish the love relationships we have lost.

Creating loving relationships is a process a journey into the future of living heathy happy abundant live in love balance and harmony with one another life nature and the universe; which is essential if we wish to survive and thrive in our world.

Love or separateness. Togetherness or individualism.

Our whole world is suffering from the disease of the mind that is spreading like a plague at an accelerating rate that is killing our world. It is killing the love relationships that give and sustain life. 

It is love the togetherness that creates life and abundance. Love is what makes it all possible. Love is what ensures our survival and the perpetuation of life. Love is what gives us healthy happy lives. Love is universal wisdom and the nature of the non-material energy ocean of the universe.

Now with this essential wisdom and perspective you have the knowledge and wisdom to choose. What do you choose love or separateness?
Choose to share this and you are choosing love and the survival of our natural world. Don’t share it and you are choosing to operate in fear and or blind belief and many will die off because of a lack of knowledge and wisdom. Share and you give them the power of choice.

Choose love or separateness share or do not, the choice is yours.

Remember together we can save our world, as individuals we don't stand a chance.

Have a Wonderful Day!
Denis Moore

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Monday, July 21, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Slow down.

Although there is great urgency to change.

“Walk and see more.” “Stroll and see even more.” “Stop and gaze, touch, feel, see and smell the roses.” Sense its energy as a living being.

The speed you live your live by will not change your life cycle much; other than stress you out so much you might have a heart attack.

You need to slow down and develop relationships with the life around you.
Stare at the clouds in the sky and see the faces and forms. Watch the movement of the waves in the ocean. Sense the life and energy around you.

While you are rushing you are rushing past life instead of living it and experiencing it.

You have to learn to live harmony with the flow of energy of life.
Connected to it and flowing with it you will truly know it.
You have to nurture the love within you for nature and all life and live in balance and harmony with it.

Being a human being is being connected to and experiencing being one with the flows of life nature and the energy that composes it.

Listen, feel, see, touch, taste, smell, sense the energy and experience of living life.

While you are rushing through life you are not truly living life.

Slow down and be one with life.

Have a wonderful day.
Denis M

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The all-seeing island of hopes, wishes and dreams is in the balance.

My world changing tip of the day: Intuitively listen to your intuition, visions and dreams - the all-knowing truth is within them.
With this I write you my dream from last night.
The all-seeing island of hopes, wishes and dreams is in the balance.
Just like waves in the ocean they come in sets sometimes they’re bigger and sometimes they are too small and don’t make it. It’s like the big waves make it through this channel or gully and begin their journey down the mountain as the river of life.
Traveling down the easy descents with rock faces at its sides I ride my surfboard on the waves. Along the rock faces all the way to the bottom of the mountain. Only to climb back up through the interior of the mountain through its tunnels and caves all the way to the top to get ready to ride the next wave of life. This ride is a euphoric pleasurable experience. Feeling the pleasure and excitement I talk to my friends about it when I reached the bottom. I’m so happy and excited I begin climb again. I do this twice and on the third time I’m standing in anticipation wait for the waves of life.
Two young girls stand waist deep in the water short distance from me excited with the anticipation of waiting the wave for life to arrive. They catch the first wave of the set while I wait for the bigger second wave.
Feeling the excitement and anticipation I paddle and catch this wonderful wave and streaking down the river I feel the excitement of life.
My heart is pounding adrenaline rushing through my veins as I ride the wave up and down the rock faces on the turns. Eventually I reach a slower flowing flat part of the river where I am slowly moving towards a waterfall of the afterlife.
Just before I reach it I come across the all-seeing island of hopes, wishes and dreams. It is a rock island carved into faces the eyes and nostrils and mouths all open and rounded. The openings all rounded like eyebrows and lips and flared up nostrils.
People come to the edges of the cliffs on either side of the river and through coins down to the island of hopes and wishes and dreams. Some roll up paper money and stick it into the mouths nostrils and or eye sockets.
Climbing onto the island I walk through the rounded holes of huge faces into the mind space of the island. There’s wealth all around me and yet if I pick up or take any of the wealth of the island I have to do it in balance and only take what I need. I would only be able to take a small amount before I upset the balance of the island.
The island of hopes wishes and dreams is a floating island with a rounded bottom which only stays upright if the critical balance is maintained. It is linked through an underwater shaft to a smaller floating island. This island is the island of life. Any imbalances on the island of hopes wishes and dreams and the smaller island of life topples over and the living beings on the island fall into the flowing river of life and move inexorably towards the water fall that falls into the afterlife.
This is a symbolic story of the critical balances of our planet and of all life on our planet. The island hopes wishes and dreams is the island we call planet earth floating in the river of space trying to achieve greater balance and stability and yet so susceptible to imbalance.
The people who are investing they energy, symbolically represented by money, into the planet perpetuate the balance of the island of hopes, wishes and dreams.
The island is the “I” “land” the land which makes us who we are. It is what gives us life and makes “I” possible. We have two be very careful about what we take from the planet the island if we do not want to upset the critical balance of life and all in falling into the river which will inexorably take us over the water fall into the afterlife.
The island is watching you. The people are watching. We are all watching. We are all aware that everyone of us and all of our thoughts and actions are critical to maintain the balance of the island of hopes wishes and dreams on which all life depends.
If we maintain the balance we are able to see the steppingstones beneath the water and walk around this section of the river to rejoin the river of life knowing that we have not upset critical balance that gives and sustains life.
The symbolism of the waves that make it through to become the waves of life is the symbolism of the energy of the universe supplying the energy to the universe and to the planet and very little makes it through to supply the energy of the waves of life. Symbolizing how precious and wonderful life is and how we must appreciate it and live in love balance and harmony with one another and the waves of life.
Have a wonderful day go outside and play.
Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
The Denism Quest provides answers to some of life's most profound...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Cooperation can be our strength or our weakness.

We all should know we have to come together as one human and natural family and work together to Help Save Our World.
However if we all cooperate at destroying our world, with our current way of life, we will continue to do a devastating job really quickly. We are all racing off the cliff or extinction together at an ever accelerating rate. Driven by our energy and institutionalized systems that perpetuate that way of life.
If a school of fish, being hunted down with a fishing net, all swam away in different directions; yes a small number would be caught but the rest would have a better chance of survival.
If we continue to live this capitalistic, imperialistic, materialistic, consumer way of life - building cities and highways to perpetuate the continuous growth driven market based economic system, at the expense of nature, life and ourselves, on a planet with real physical and natural limitations, we will become extinct very quickly. (There is evidence all around you that this is happening if you only awaken and see)
Sometimes it is time to separate yourself from the pack observe, reevaluate, and think of different ways of doing things then returning to the pack and teaching them how to change to create a humane, happy, healthy world of abundance.
The above reminds me of the title of Howard Zinn’s book: “You cannot be neutral on a moving train!”
You have to take responsibility for yourself, your children and all life.
You have to think independently no matter how much the societal pressure you endure.
You have to be teaching others.
Finally we have to re-establish the herd mentality around coming together for one another and nature to Help Save Our World for our Children!
This “Guided Quest for the Truth” is what I teach to the new leaders of our time. So we can all learn how to “Help Save Our World for our children.”
Have a Wonderful Day
Denis M
Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.

"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
The Denism Quest provides answers to some of life's most profound...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Follow the Money

My world changing tip of the day:  Follow the Money:

To find out what abstract ways of thinking are being funded and promoted to further the corporate and owner classes agenda.

The cultivation of grass at university agricultural centers: is funded to improve on growing grass, Why? The use of herbicides and pesticides…or to improve on golf courses…  or to perpetuate grass growing instead of growing food in communities to maintain centralized control of food… and forced labor?

Promoting and supporting the materialistic world in physics view instead of the cyclical world view to perpetuate a materialistic consumer lifestyle in a society?

When on a quest for truth, and searching for what is wrong with a system, follow the money and power. Extreme money and power are expressions of extreme imbalances that result in and from lies and deception. Extreme imbalances are unnatural in the natural world and will be naturally equalized.

Don’t be shocked when you wake up from the dream, the lies and illusions and don’t be caught unaware when that re-balancing happens.
Knowledge is power Empower Yourself, your children and community with the knowledge and wisdom of the natural world and be a survivor.

Have a Great Day!
Denis M

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog:  New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Monday, July 14, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: The natural agreement:

The fundamental natural agreement that all life has to know and live by is that they will live connected to and as one with the natural flows of energy of the universe and nature. Or put in other words: Live in Love, Balance and Harmony with the energy of life, nature and the universe. Humans are the only animals to break that natural agreement and live abstract lives, as a result we are killing our planet to make very few rich and powerful at the expense of all of us.

Living by the agreement will create a world of abundance for all. Begin by reintegrating our lives with nature and involve your community.

We have to put all the collected energy (organic matter) we do not use back into nature. We must compost all the organic matter we do not eat, pee on it to add nitrogen and keep it wet and turn it to aerate it so it will bio-degrade and create more humus for our topsoil. Create worm farms and begin to recreate the foundations of life.

The seeds that pass through our hands daily must be planted and nurtured to perpetuate abundance all around us. We are throwing organic energy and the seeds of life into landfills and keeping ourselves enslaved.

We must do our best to make sure the foods we eat and are growing are not genetically engineered varieties. Heirloom seeds are seeds that have been passed on from generations to generations of natural seeds.

Gathering water from roofs of homes in water tanks, reservoirs, swales and small catchment ponds or dams – slowing the process of water flow off the land for its continuous reuse as taught in permaculture.

The above processes will empower you and your community with growing independence from the totalitarian power based system; where land, water, food, is locked up and sold to you for your labor to supply profits(welfare) and more and more ownership to the super-rich. Why should we and our children suffer because of the greedy few and our inability to think and change?

The green life from micro-organisms to all plants and trees are collectors of the energy of the sun and nature and the universe. As energy beings we assimilate energy from all around us and eat plant life to get the energy we need to sustain our lives... However we have to live by the Natural Agreement. To perpetuate the life and complexity that gives us life.

From the phytoplankton in the oceans to the seaweeds and ferns, they are the plant collectors of energy of the sun the universe and nature. They are the foundational collectors of energy that feeds all other life forms up the chain of life in the oceans.

Every being is a receiver and transmitter of energy of nature and the universe. The planet itself like all planets is continuously receiving energy from the universe and growing. What do you think is the reason for the changes from what was the single continent of Gondwanaland.  The earth quakes volcanoes and tectonic plate shifts, fold mountains and geological changes are the changes happening to a planet with a crust as the planet grows at this unperceivable rate. The gaseous planets are receiving energy as they spin.

This receiving energy growing and transmitting of energy is the reason why planets spin and orbit suns. There is a balance between the energy the planet is receiving and transmitting outwards and the attraction towards one another. Love(connectivity and the sharing of energy) Balance and Harmony. The ultimate agreement! Nature lives by it what about you?

Or do you think it is wise to continue to work for those who continue to kill your planet at an accelerating rate? While creating more and more hardship for you and all life as we are all driven towards the cliff of extinction?

Think! Choose! and begin to Practice! the above as a way of living, healthy, happy lives.
Live by the natural agreement: In love, balance and harmony with all life nature and the energy of the universe.

For the deep thinkers: Although the above are simply stated it is not that simple. In a connected relative universe the relationships are very complex. Nothing is just a linear progression. Everything is interconnected. Even thought or dream thought is often written as stream of consciousness thought and goes all over the place. It does not make it less relevant it just shows the interconnectivity of the universe nature and thought.

The above just began with me dreaming at three o’clock in the morning of the horrors of an ownership society; which cannot be overstated. It is a crime against all people and all of nature. We have the ability to non-violently take back our basic human rights to land food water and life. Just take the above advice seriously and practice it and teach it to your children and Help Save our World for our children. 

The greatest gift you can give to your children is to teach them the Natural Agreement. And to cultivate their relationship with nature and community in the processes of reintroducing your waste energy into nature and growing the seeds that pass through your hands and nurturing them to ensure the perpetuation of healthy happy lives for all life into the future...

Have a Wonderful Day
Denis M

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Sunday, July 13, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Live for the truth!

Don’t continue to ignore it. Ignorance results from continuing to ignore the truth.
Do you want to be ignorant? Yes? Well then, continue to ignore the truth about everything that is going on in our world.

If you want to know the truth quest learn discover and live the truth.
This is the most positive way you can live your life!

What you think and how you behave is what you pass on to others and what you pass on to others is what lives on into the future.

To change the world we have to be willing and able to go there.
Be ignorant or be the discoverer and bearer of the truth who passes that gift on to everyone you meet.

We can change our world all we have to do is to go “Beyond the Age of Ignorance”
Live the truth and “Help Save our World”

Have a wonderful day!

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog:  New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Saturday, July 12, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Don’t fall back into blind belief and ignorance.

Please don’t react and take it personally. What I say, I say out of love for all people.
I look back in horror as people who going on a “spiritual journey” fall back into religion, business, and politics. Falling back into the ignorance of belief systems they were in search of gaining freedom from.
I was shocked when friends of mine who began the quest for truth with me lost their way and became religious. They lost their way back into the controlled thought of the indoctrination systems of the power based systems.
Independent creative thought is our way to the truth and a future of abundance for all. The dominant belief systems are what got us into this mess and keep us imprisoned away from our basic human rights to land food and water.
We can live in a world of abundance without wars, starvation, hatred…
All we have to do is change what we think and what we believe and what we do.
To do this we have to go beyond the age of ignorance to an age of reason and logic.
Maintaining clear honest thought and always questioning and using reasonable logic and creative thought to find better ways of thinking and being and is the way to find the nirvana or the spiritual way of being you search for.
The amazing state of being you seek, can only truly be found in living connected lives in Love, Balance and Harmony with all other life and the planet.
Have a wonderful day!
Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
The Denism Quest provides answers to some of life's most profound...

Friday, July 11, 2014

My World Changing Tip of the Day: Nurture thoughts by practicing and sharing.

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Beware of what you believe:

Question everything: think independently, and use reasonable logic. You are and adult and not a child and you can and must take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

Much of what we are taught and indoctrinated to believe is either: extremely biased, untrue or just a partial truth, so in context of reality untrue.
Much of the ways of thinking we take for granted are driven by powerful people with their own agenda in mind.

Throughout history this has resulted in people looking back and asking:
·       How people could be so ignorant or stupid to believe that?
·       What a barbaric time that was?
·       How could the people allow that to continue?
·       Surely the people knew it was not true or what was going on was wrong and unacceptable? Why didn’t they do anything about it?

Examples of these untruths:
·       The belief that the world was flat.
·       The belief that the world was created in seven days.
·       The belief that the earth was the center of the universe.
·       And that god created a perfect universe where all the planets moved in perfect circles around the earth.
·       Then adaption of that theory to include epicycles as a form of justification of the perfect universe theory.

Nothing has changed, we still have people who have a lot of power to influence and have a vested interest in driving home their agendas.
EG. The materialists focus almost exclusively on the materialistic/particle view with almost total disregard for; the most dominant three dimensional wave function. They focus on particles, mathematics, quantities, things, materials, resources, length, breadth, depth, height quantity, materials. This is a way of thinking that affects the way we perceive ourselves in our relationship to the world.

A tree is a living being that contributes in many ways to our continued existence health happiness and comfort in the world. Sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and oxygenating the atmosphere at the same time; while living its life. It is not an object or a thing a commodity or a resource it is a living being a process living a cycle of life.

Some of these thought influencing people in power are: the super-rich; the banking elites; governments; military industrial complex; religions; insurance companies; corporate media… the list goes on and on. Big money and power control the way we think and what we believe.
     The super-rich with their corporations promote the idea that, free enterprise; privatization; free markets; free trade and trade agreements, are all good for us. When we know from experience they are not and only the rich benefit.

Most of the above fund research and promote the:
·       Materialistic and objective world view and
·       Values and beliefs of the old-testament.

Have you noticed that many of the laws are worded to sound like they are saying one thing but they do the exact opposite?

Whenever you are called upon to be patriotic, you should hear loud warning alarms go off in your head. Patriotism is calling upon you to go against what you instinctively know to be the right choice and choose to give of yourself in support of some political agenda. And you dare not think differently from what you have been told or manipulated to think. These are the times when you must control your fears and think the hardest, research the most and realize the truth.

We must all learn what is propaganda and what is truth. So when we hear it we will know it and not fall for it.

When you are called upon to say, “The Lord’s Prayer” or the “Pledge of Allegiance” do you ever question why? Do you ever think about the wars, the killing of innocent people men woman and children and the destruction of their lives just for the greed of the wealthy, that are happening around the world in the name of God by the country you are pledging allegiance to? Have you got the strength of character to sit when the crowd is standing and unthinkingly saying the above?

Do you follow the herd over the cliff of extinction because you are not aware of what you have been indoctrinated to believe because you have never questioned it.

Beware of what you believe and what you support unthinkingly.

Have a wonderful day.
Denis M

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"