Monday, June 30, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Only support what you wish to continue.

Replace it with something you wish to grow.

Think of this in every aspect of your life and teach it to others.

Remember the force that is destroying our planet is just a house of cards.  We have the power to change it all. Make those in power responsible for their actions. If we do not no one else will.

If you want to see wars continue, continue to support them.
I see the Detroit water situation where the UN is supporting the people who cannot afford to pay for their water. Saying the corporations must not cut of water to the poor. Water is a basic human right and no one can be denied water. The same must also be true of land, food, wisdom and knowledge.

What we learn from this is they can use punitive measures to punish a few but if there is societal cohesion and reaction they cannot control it anymore.

I hear in a South American country where people are not paying their electricity. The government is pressuring the owners of the electricity corporation not to turn it off because of their fear of riots.

People in Africa are being driven into abject poverty while the rich own all the land, to produce things like sugar. Stop using sugar teach others and change the world. The sugar is also being used for fuel. So reduce your gas consumption and you make a difference no matter how small. Teach others and you make a bigger difference. Get them to teach others and the world will change.

Corporate control only exists because we give them the power.

Any and all immoral corporate powers must be stopped. Either they learn responsibility to the people and nature or they go out of business. We have the power to decide. Tell a friend Share.

From this we learn that corporations and governments can easily be stopped. Just stop supporting them.

Let us show them that we will not stand by and watch the abuse continue. It is simple.

Gandhi’s passive resistance works.

“Support what you wish to see continued.”
Locally grown permaculture food products should be at the top of your list to support. Happy healthy eco-systems produce healthy food for you and your children… Grow your own… Invest in life…

Help me, to help you, to Help Save Our World for our children.
Have a Wonderful Day!

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Saturday, June 28, 2014

There can be only one!

Or can it be that it is for all of us, all life and all of nature?

Many will think that the solutions are within this paradigm; so few know the truth.

They think that opportunities lie in conventional schooling; education; jobs; careers; and businesses. The whole system is built on lies to make the very rich richer at our expense and the expense of all living systems on the planet.
Conventional schooling is designed to create cogs in the machine; the machine which is killing our natural world.
Jobs and careers are just another form of slavery where we work to benefit the few. We spend our life’s energy building, maintaining or serving someone else’s ideas goals and ambitions. We are not serving ourselves or our children as well as we could be. Others are taking a percentage of our energy for everything we do to make them-selves richer to enable them to buy and own everything. The longer it goes on the more enslaved we become.

Nature multiplies everything we do if we do it in love, balance and harmony with living systems. The moment we have reached a sustainable level nature will be continuously bountiful. Then as long as we continue to be part of the ecosystem we perpetuate abundant life.

I watch people who think they have the solution starting a new business which is unrelated to the process of perpetuating life. They build it into a system that sustains their lives then they sell it. Thus sending more and more wealth up the power-base and centralizing more and more power over the markets in the hands of a few. Every time the people sell or kill the goose that lays the golden egg they become poorer and the rich get richer and more powerful. In religious terms: “they are selling their souls to the devil” In this case the devil being the corporations and few families that own it all. Through this process they are making themselves and future generations more and more dependent upon the owners of everything.
This is the nature of the paradigm we live in. It is designed to give welfare and profit to the few at the expense of everyone and nature. Just about everything we buy sends money up the pyramid.

The reason we cannot live sustain-ably is that we have sold our basic human rights to land food water air and energy. Now we work to get the money to buy it back from those who profess to own it all.

Ownership is an illusion. I think of a child inside the womb professing to own his mother. I then think of the people of the planet professing to own parts of their mother earth’s womb. By dividing it with borders; walls and fences and professing to own her womb. “This is mine!” Reminds me of a deprived child that has not yet learned to share and trust that there will be more abundance if we just live in love, balance and harmony with one another, Mother Nature and all life.

We are all being driven deeper and deeper into poverty as the rich monopolize it all. Think about the rising gas prices and food prices – this is inflation. Think about how the super-rich are getting richer with record gains on the stock exchanges. Think about what they are taking away from us. Health-care; social services, education… Everything is being privatized for profit for the owners… Money wealth and power is being sucked out of the system, many are losing their homes and the money they invested into them... The country is in excess of 17 Trillion dollars in debt… Why?

There can be only one in the end. The wealth and power will be owned by only one. This is the design of the system. Some are playing the game and think they are doing well. They just don’t get it. There can be only one. He/the family is way ahead of the game. They have been playing the monopoly game with a stacked deck for a long time. It is the design of the system.

Open your eyes and see. Look at the Washington Monument. It is a phallic symbol of male dominance. It is a monolith with a small triangle on the top and no middle and lower class; just a slave class. The system is designed to produce the absolute centralization of power at the expense of us all. What supports this imbalance of power is the NSA, CIA, FBI, POLICE, MILITARY, PRIVATE SECURITY FORCES.
In nature it is not possible to maintain such imbalances of power. The insanity is absolute. A balanced social system is one where everyone is equally entitled to land, food, water, air, knowledge, wisdom and life...

The one dollar bill, the unit of the currency, has the symbols of power on it. The triangle is the pyramid of institutionalized power. The power is controlled by the all Seeing Eye in the small triangle at the top of the pyramid. Those in power at the top know, understand and control the system for their exclusive benefit. They are in power and are separate from the government they own and control.

The joke is on all of the people who support the system and are benefiting in the short term. They cannot see that ultimately “there can be only one” and we all lose in the end.

We will all be slowly driven into poverty like slow boiled frogs that will not jump.

We will all be driven down Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. As we become poorer we will eventually reach basic survival needs as some of us are already experiencing. We will all need to regulate or body temperatures, get warmth from the cold and shade from the heat. We will need: clean air, water, food… To get these basic requirements for life we will have to move back to living on the land.

Our new society will be composed of small societal groups or Eco-Villages living spread out on the land in sustainable villages and doing Permaculture.

If we never want to make the same historical mistakes again we will learn Denism and be aware conscious and connected to all life and life in Love Balance and harmony with the flow of life which gives and sustains our lives. If we do not we will continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Repeating the rise and fall of destructive centralized societies we call civilizations – the most uncivilized systems designed by men.

Denism's Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal life’s experiences. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. This you will teach others and together we will change our world forever.

"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Realize our way of life is the life of a SOCIOPATH.

Our way of life is an antisocial twisted abstraction of reality; which is driving us into poverty as it is killing our world.

There is a real connected universe out there in which the planets, stars and galaxies are flying through space; and where energy is flowing in every direction. That energy is what composes everything in cycles of motion and movement.
There is a real connected world out there composed of atmosphere, weather, air, water, lakes, rivers, oceans, land, and life with energy flowing everywhere. This is the real connected world in which all other wild animals and all life live unquestioningly in love, balance and harmony without abstraction.
That is the world that gave us life and it is the world we are killing for money, wealth, power and private ownership of things. Our whole way of life is a weird sociopaths joke.

We think we have a chance of winning in the game of monopoly. Lol!
We make the rich richer and ourselves poorer and we are rapidly kill our once natural living planet. Lol! No? That is not funny? Right, it is sadly insanity.

We have convinced ourselves to just ignore the obvious truth of what is going on around us because we have no clue what is going on or:
·       We are scared of change.
·       We don’t know how.
·       We are too spoiled by the abstract system.
·       We believe there is nothing we can do about it.
·       We believe that our leaders will do the right thing. Lol! Oh? That too is not funny?
·       We believe in abstract monetary economics. Lol! Sorry. Not funny huh?
·       We convinced ourselves that we must just be positive and we will achieve success through more and more education in this abstract system, for which we pay more and more money for which we sacrifice our lives and freedom. Lol!
·       We believe in private ownership of property and wealth – but so few own it all. LoL!
·       Segregation - we are indoctrinated into a disintegrated way of life – Lol, “you know this is insanity in a connected universe?”
·       Absolutism is just another abstract way of thinking. LOLouder
·       We believe our Governments are working for the people. LOLOUDER
·       Newtonian and Particle Physics, with their absolutist, materialistic and objective agenda; like many dominant philosophies cannot be trusted to tell the truth. 
·       Religions cannot be trusted either.
·       Education systems cannot be trusted.

Let me tell you the truth. Nothing good will come of any system designed to make very few very wealthy while the rest of us move ever closer to dying from starvation in prison camps called cities. Prison labors, from the war against nature and the people of the land; without our basic human rights to land, food, water, clean air and the freedom of movement on all lands; we are destined to unhealthy, unhappy, lives of poverty and misery.

Capitalism, communism, socialism are all not solutions if they use monetary economics labor and centralization of power. 





Help me, to help you, to Help Save Our World for our children.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.

"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

My world changing tip of the day: Dare to Dream of a world you would love to live in: Shangri-La; Paradise; Eden; Utopia.

Create a vision a dream of the world you wish to live in and then do what it takes to make it happen.
See it in your mind’s eye then make it reality.
Then ignore those who say it is impossible and do what it takes to manifest that in the world for you others and all life around you.
We can do this together: This is what the world was like before we destroyed it with our way of life.
What changed was our way of thinking, our values and beliefs, our subconscious thoughts and subsequent behavior.

·       Change your thoughts choices and behaviors with the ideal to achieve your paradise.
·       Become an observer of self, world and nature.
·       Become aware of your behaviors when they are happening.
·       Evaluate them are they creating the world you wish to live in or not? If not replace them.
·       Eventually you will become aware of what feelings begin to rise in you which result in what behavior.
·       You will begin to master your feelings and thoughts before you act.
·       Then you will begin to make better choices that result in you moving towards your paradise on earth.
·       Repeat these new behaviors until they replace your previous unconscious subconscious conditioning; thus changing your future behavior and creating the world we would all love to live in.

Help me to help you to Help Save Our World for our children.
Have a Wonderful Day!
Denis Moore.

Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My world changing tip of the day: Teach your children that war is the most dishonorable unthinkable thing they can ever do.

To kill another person no matter who they are is murder and a crime against life and all people of the world. To kill others and to harm nature is to harm themselves. We are all connected living beings in this wave of life on our planet. To kill and destroy must be thought of as the worst imaginable act. Murders are not heroes! They have the blood of others, once living beings, on their hands. They have committed the gravest of crimes against the wave of life which gives and sustains their lives.
Teach your children the importance of living in love, balance and harmony with all life and all of nature. Raise them with unconditional love, respect and appreciation so they learn that war is not an option.
Wars are fought to make rich men richer and more powerful. They are not fought for the people. They are most often not fought to protect the people. They are promoted by the rich and powerful to perpetuate their power control and expansion of their power-base.
Unfortunately they are fought by the indoctrinated people against people and nature.
Those who start wars and perpetrate these crimes against people and nature should be imprisoned for life. As mass murderers they should not be allowed to live in normal society. It does not matter who you are. Mass murderers should all be treated the same.
Envisioning world peace is one thing. Making sure by mindfully raising your children is more likely to make a real difference. Remember our children are our future. How you raise them determines the future.
Help me to help you to Help Save Our World for our children.
Have a Wonderful Day!

Denism Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
The Denism Quest provides answers to some of life's most profound...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Solstice Celebrations: The wisdom of nature is all around us if only we stop long enough to see it.

I was just at the Summer Solstice celebrations with drums rhythmically beating and people dancing around a huge bonfire:

The wisdom of nature is all around us if only we stop long enough to see it.

“The light of the fire symbolizes the light and heat of summer.” Lisa Goodwin.

The light of the fire is the energy of the: sun, moon, planets, stars, and galaxies – the energy of the universe. As the wood burns it releases the heat and light it spent a lifetime collecting and manifest into its physical being. 

The sun shines the plants grow we eat the plants and we grow.
We are the energy of the universe.
We are the energy of nature.
We are the people of the light, the people of the sun the moon planets and stars, the people of the light energy of nature, we are the life of the womb of mother earth.We are the energy of the air we breath, the water we drink, and the light energy of all the plants we eat. We are the energy/ the light we assimilate everyday. We are physical expressions of the light and all the other frequencies of energy that compose us.
All of our senses are energy senses, we sense with our whole being the energy around us.  

The people of all ages dancing together symbolize the connected energy of life and the free giving and receiving of energy in nature.
Togetherness symbolizes the importance of the whole cycle of life, extended family, community, and the fundamental human connection to nature.

The dancers radiate their shining human energy/light and heat energy in movement, laughter, yelps and smiles.

The beating of the drums to the rhythms of nature is universal energy converted into sound energy.

The energy of the dance represents the energy of movement that comes from the sun, moon, planets, stars and galaxies – the energy of the universe is radiating out of everyone.

We need to once again come together as humanity and life in small connected communities spread out on the land and yet united as one life force of nature.

We need to slow down to the rhythms of nature.

Only taking what we need, giving back and nurturing nature.

Once again we must begin living integrated lives with all living and natural systems.

We forget the importance of the summer solstice dance to our ancestors who lived off the land. It is time for us to remember who and what we are and where we come from and where we are going.

We are the energy of the universe, we are the energy of nature and we must once again learn to live in love, balance and harmony with one another nature and the universe.

We only exist because of the fires in the sky and the fires of life on the land and the fire within us.

We are the land the air the water and the energy of nature and the universe.

Even as we dance do we remember the wisdom of the ancients, the people of the land?
Do we see the cycles of the seasons the cycles of life the cycles of the energy all around us?
Our natural world is dying because we cannot see by the light of our hearts anymore.
It is time to awaken the love energy within, rekindle the love of others and the love of nature around us.
The time is now to return to the ancient ways to ensure there is a future for all life on this planet.
The urgency for change cannot be over stated.

Let the shining light of the summer of life shine brightly once more.
Let the shining light of summer shine within you for all others to see.

Let us nurture and protect nature for ourselves and our children.
Help me to help you to Help Save Our World for our children.

My World changing tip of the day: Invest in life…

My World changing tip of the day:  Invest in life.

In the traditional Zulu culture a rich man is one who owns many cattle, chickens and goats and grows food on the land. You see they understand the importance of life and living on the land and being one with it. They do not invest money into the robbing banking system. They invest their energy into the bank of life. These people will be the survivors of major empire and civilization collapses; because they will not have lost their connection to life and the land.
Investing in life is much more than just investing in nature; it is investing time and energy into:
·       Your children’s lives;
·       Others’ lives - listening, caring, nurturing;
·       Community – getting out there and being with people helping, caring, sharing…

Denism's Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

Saturday, June 21, 2014

My World changing tip of the day: Take personal responsibility for what is happening in our world.

My World changing tip of the day:

1.     Take personal responsibility for what is happening in our world.

Think about every way you personally contribute to it being the way it is. Then begin to change your behaviors.
Comment below and share to let others know what it is that you changed today. No matter how big or small the action. It is only by doing something that we bring about real change.

Just to give you some ideas:
·       It must be obvious by now – if we wait for our leaders in power to lead – they will only lead us astray. So it is time to begin to lead ourselves to the future we wish for ourselves and our children. It is all about our focus and use of our collective energy and our actions.
·       If you change just one thing and you show someone else, you become a leader of our time.
·       Remember corporations and governments are powered by people’s energy. Gandhi brought down the British Empires strangle hold on India with passive resistance. We do not have to fight and vote in political campaigns to change the direction of history, nor do we have to do nothing as Gandhi suggested.  All we have to do is change the way we think and what we do. Voting with our energy and money.
·       Living simply.
·       Teach your children what is bad about war.
·       Teach them how to question everything and become critical thinkers and world changers.
·       Teach them responsibility, love, appreciation, compassion, mutual respect, how to share, and care for nature and one another.
·       Stop supporting the systems that control our thoughts. Support that which you wish to see more of in the future.
·       Home educate your children, not into religious home schooling systems,  raise them with a love of nature and one another and giving them the breadth of knowledge and wisdom they need to make a real difference in the world. Our children are our future.
·       Connect with one another and community.  A loving world is a connected world. Show your children how to build loving relationships.
·       If you don’t know how, learn how and practice connecting with others and nature.
·       Spend a lot more time with your children, teaching, learning from them
·       Teach your children the importance of movement, running and playing.
·       Slow down, “walk and see more” lie down on a blanket and gaze at the stars, stop and smell the roses.
·       Buying or taking only what you need and constantly putting back into nature. It is in living in love, balance and harmony that we life sustainable lives.
·       Don’t buy packaged foods that create pollution.
·       Grow your own food if you can. Ask your neighbors if you can use their land to grow gardens and share the produce.
·       Beginning to compost and return organic energy to the soil and begin learning and teaching your children where their food comes from and how to grow their own. In an uncertain future the safest thing to do is to show them how to survive in nature.
·       We have to rebuild our topsoil if we are to survive.
·       Growing our own food locally will make a huge impact on carbon emissions.
·       Getting out and using less electricity will also make a huge difference…
·       I could go on and on.
·       Eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat.

Denism's Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal life’s experiences. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. This you will teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

My World changing Tip of the Day: Try to view the truth in context:

My World changing Tip of the Day:

Try to view the truth in context:

The truth is often what is more so than another partial truth. Often we are distracted by partial truths that are not the greater truth.
Some might say we have more fisheries protections in the US than anywhere else in the world. However what they are not saying is agribusiness is poisoning of the ecosystems with herbicides and pesticides and the western technological life with its pollution from just about everything we do is arguably worse in America than any other nation in the world.
Or when politicians say the poor people that do not work and get social benefits are a financial burden to the economy; which might be true to some extent. However when compared with the enormous profiteering burden of the superrich with their gambling on the stock exchanges and the economic trade policies that put us 17 Trillion dollars in debt, it is negligible.

Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Web: FB:
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

My World changing Tip of the Day: Take personal responsibility for your every feeling, emotion, thought and action.

My World changing Tip of the Day:

Take personal responsibility for your every feeling, emotion, thought and action.

Denism's Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal life’s experiences. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. This you will teach others and together we will change our world forever.

If you are at all concerned about our world and you do read my tips of the day. 

Engage yourself by commenting and telling others how you have taken responsibility for your life and what you changed today; even if it is the smallest or simplest of things. Show others how to take responsibility. This is not about me it is about all of us making a difference in the world. We can change our world one little feeling, thought or action at a time. Show us how. We are one human family who cares enough to make a difference in our world.

Have a wonderful day.

"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"

Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

My World changing Tip of the Day: Try to view the truth in context:

My World changing Tip of the Day:

1.     Try to view the truth in context: 

The truth is often what is more so than another partial truth. Often we are distracted by partial truths that are not the greater truth.

Some might say we have more fisheries protections in the US than anywhere else in the world. However what they are not saying is agribusiness is poisoning of the ecosystems with herbicides and pesticides and the western technological life with its pollution from just about everything we do is arguably worse in America than any other nation in the world.

Or when politicians say the poor people that do not work and get social benefits are a financial burden to the economy; which might be true to some extent. However when compared with the enormous profiteering burden of the super-rich with their gambling on the stock exchanges and the economic trade policies that put us 17 Trillion dollars in debt, it is negligible.

Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Web: FB:
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"

My World changing Tip for today: Simply question everything in search of the truth.

My World changing Tip for today.

1.     Simply question everything in search of the truth.

You are in search of a paradigm shift that will create a happy healthy sustainable future for our children. One warning do not fall prey to existing belief systems.
Think outside the box and use reasonable logic.
Have a great day

Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Web: FB:
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"