My world changing tip of the day:
"I just could not contain myself reediting my soon to be published book.
Beyond the Age of Ignorance! I wrote this book many years ago but have not published it in America."
Think of life as the synchronous flow of energy which is formed into complex patterns performing a dance or the music of the symphony of energy/light and many other frequencies of energy of nature and the universe all flowing together in love balance and harmony with physical self, nature and the universal energy! Think of this complex flow of life as the most rare and precious gift that all the life and universal energy that preceded you made possible. Think of all life nature mother earth and the universe in this way and begin to realign yourself with life. Invest your energy into it, nurture it and protect it. We are the energy of self, nature mother earth and the universe. Learn to live in Love Balance and Harmony with it. Appreciate it and respect it.
Live Wonderful Cycles!
Denis Moore
Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
Friday, October 31, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
We are integral parts of the web of life.
My World changing tip of the day:
As we can see from the whales example below.
We are integral parts of the web of life.
Life gives life to life.
In our taking society the process of life and living as one with nature is taught incorrectly.
We are raised to believe we are separate from and above nature and nature is for us to plunder.
We have only been taught the food pyramid; competition; and the centralization of wealth to the top of the pyramid.
The perception of our place in the natural system being broken for the benefit of the few. Centralization of wealth and power.
We are raised to believe we are separate from and above nature and nature is for us to plunder.
We have only been taught the food pyramid; competition; and the centralization of wealth to the top of the pyramid.
The perception of our place in the natural system being broken for the benefit of the few. Centralization of wealth and power.
Just walking on the land we as all animals help with the process of creating topsoil.
We pee introducing nitrogen into the soil.
We poop introducing fertilizers into the soil.
We are the seed bearers.
We promote life so we can live and multiply.
We spread the plant and animal life across the planet.
We are of nature. And should live within nature as one with it.
We pee introducing nitrogen into the soil.
We poop introducing fertilizers into the soil.
We are the seed bearers.
We promote life so we can live and multiply.
We spread the plant and animal life across the planet.
We are of nature. And should live within nature as one with it.
We need to reeducate our children to know their place in the web of life. We need to take them out of schools and give them a real natural education. We need to decentralize and reintegrate ourselves with nature and life if we wish to survive. As a species.
Have a great day.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Tel: 954 882 5298
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eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
This, I would think, should be self-evident: Generally speaking, big creatures eat smaller creatures that, in turn, eat even smaller creatures, like this ... Robert Krulwich/NPR And just as obviously, one would expect the food chain to be pyramid-shaped: a few big creatures at the top eating more mi…
Monday, September 1, 2014
Giving and Receiving or Profiteering
I have a problem for which I need your and guidance?
As you know from my teachings, I do not agree with the concept of money and everything it stands for and represents. The idea of putting monetary value on living processes, like trees, animal furs and human beings labor, makes me sick to my stomach.
And yet I have a gift a vision that I have developed my whole life and a great need to share with humanity. My dilemma is if I continue to teach in this monetary based western world I have to use money.
I could just drop out of this society and go and live off the land as my heart desires and join the rest of the voiceless ones or I could stay here to make a difference where it really matters.
As you can imagine I am constantly torn between being true to myself and helping others to awaken to what is happening in our world and teaching them how to change it.
Up until now I have done whatever work I can to further my teachings - teaching, printing, working on boats to make money to be able to give my teachings to others for free.
When I wrote my first book I gave it away for free. I then put it on Amazon for those who might not have got it for free but might want access to it with a nominal charge. I have not spent any time promoting it because of the money thing; although it is in my signature on most posts. I have spent my life freely teaching others, one on one, on my face-book page and blogging. And I honestly think that is the way it should be. We need to live in a giving and receiving world but we don’t.
We are trained by the system, to only take. This ownership society has stolen our access to land, food, water, knowledge and wisdom and sells it to us at a price; it is keeping us hostage so we perpetuate the system. The mechanism is called “business” so it is justified: “It is only business!”
It is the transition from a taking to a giving and receiving world that is in question here.
I am not saying you must not read my posts and take from them whatever you can, that is their purpose and my gift to you, and you honor me by receiving it. These are the gifts of wisdom, told in the stories by the elders, to the tribal children. The elders are the givers of the wisdom, the children the receivers; who live their lives by that wisdom only to become the elders who hand on the gifts.
If I am to live in this western world and pay the rent and buy the food and use technology and use paid venues to teach I cannot do it without money. This is the dilemma of the voiceless ones. They do not have access to money and the technology to be heard.
From what I can see; I have a few choices here.
1. I can continue to do as I am working for a period of time in the capitalistic system to make money so I can teach others for free in my time off.
2. Ask people to make donations for a world altering cause.
3. Get people to donate money to go through courses I teach and make that my full time way of life and be more productive at it. Letting them decide what others are charging and what they can afford to give to this incredibly important world altering cause.
4. Or seek out those who are willing to donate so others might learn for free.
It is interesting though. I have watched people who charge donations being given a lot less than those who charge set fees although their needs are no different. There seems to be a culture of devaluing people who do things for others for free and valuing those who charge a lot. The disease is so ingrained we do not even question it.
My question to you is do I compromise myself and my teachings, for the short term situation I find myself having to teach in, by charging or do I continue to do what I am doing? I suppose either way I am compromising my authentic self. Or do I just go back to the land and become the unheard, a voiceless one who is abused by the capitalistic/imperialistic ownership system; which is based on money and is killing our world?
What would you do? Remembering I do not take this lightly.
Please comment below and share this so I can get as much feedback as I can.
Have a great day!
Denis Moore
Sunday, August 31, 2014
My world changing tip of the day: Become aware of the institutionalized pyramids of power that control your life and are destroying our world.
Only support what you want to continue. If you rely on some of them for survival, if possible, reduce how much you use them. Try and find better alternatives.
The truth is hard to acknowledge. These are some of the institutions you need to stop supporting:
• Religions; don’t believe them. Think! All that is good within you is free you do not have to believe in their mind control system.
• Schooling/Education; I am not to saying you must not learn read and study what you need to know; it is the institutions that are the problem. Independent learning of diverse topics and learning what you need and desire to know in a focused way should lead to greater awareness knowledge and wisdom. Learn everything you can about our world and what you can do to make it a better place to live in.
• Corporations; use less of their products, buy second hand.
• Banks; don’t give them your money they will help themselves to it.
• Governments; don’t support them, their wars and destructive policies. They are designed to use force to transfer people’s power to the rich.
• Legal systems; stay away from them. Avoid them as best you can.
• Militaries; Never support them.
• Policing… They are the forceful wing of government. Avoid them they are not your friends.
The list goes on and on...
Think become aware of what is happening to your world around you, ask why and face the truth. If we stop supporting what is harming us and our world, and we teach others, we will change our world. They cannot be maintained without our support.
Do what you can to bring about change.
Become a messenger of change and a leader of the future.
Learn the teachings of Denism and understand what is happening to our world and why. Then learn what to do about it and how.
Have a wonderful evening.
Denis M.
Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
The truth is hard to acknowledge. These are some of the institutions you need to stop supporting:
• Religions; don’t believe them. Think! All that is good within you is free you do not have to believe in their mind control system.
• Schooling/Education; I am not to saying you must not learn read and study what you need to know; it is the institutions that are the problem. Independent learning of diverse topics and learning what you need and desire to know in a focused way should lead to greater awareness knowledge and wisdom. Learn everything you can about our world and what you can do to make it a better place to live in.
• Corporations; use less of their products, buy second hand.
• Banks; don’t give them your money they will help themselves to it.
• Governments; don’t support them, their wars and destructive policies. They are designed to use force to transfer people’s power to the rich.
• Legal systems; stay away from them. Avoid them as best you can.
• Militaries; Never support them.
• Policing… They are the forceful wing of government. Avoid them they are not your friends.
The list goes on and on...
Think become aware of what is happening to your world around you, ask why and face the truth. If we stop supporting what is harming us and our world, and we teach others, we will change our world. They cannot be maintained without our support.
Do what you can to bring about change.
Become a messenger of change and a leader of the future.
Learn the teachings of Denism and understand what is happening to our world and why. Then learn what to do about it and how.
Have a wonderful evening.
Denis M.
Denism’s Guided Quest for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Blog: New blog:
Old Blog:
eBook: "Gifts - Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
Friday, August 15, 2014
My world changing tip of the day: Become an observer of yourself, your thoughts and behaviors and begin to change yourself and our world.
Happiness can only be found by becoming aware of your entrapment
or the imprisonment of your mind, thoughts and behaviors in this controlled privately
owned world.
If you are unaware, just watch as we drive on freeways. Or
rush from box to box to build a world of dead things and control our world to
death; changing it from what was once a living wonderland by killing our living
planet to turn it into money and dead things.
Become aware of your conditioned and programmed way of life
and your entrapment. Doing other peoples bidding for basic survival is slavery
or shell I say: “Wage slavery.” Are you:
Divided from nature and community?
· Containment in cities away from the land?
· Containment in boxes: buildings; offices; computers…?
· Working in an office job. Not being able to use your body, move, connect with others and play?
· Eating a poor diet away from picking fresh healthy food?
· Working in an isolated office job?
· Working for someone else doing what they want done?
· Building or making dead things or products for money?
· Working in a physical job like washing a boat out in the sun? Working physically is an improvement but still not for yourself and your community.
· Working in an unexpressive job – where you cannot be yourself?
· Working at any job in a pyramid scheme?
· Containment in cities away from the land?
· Containment in boxes: buildings; offices; computers…?
· Working in an office job. Not being able to use your body, move, connect with others and play?
· Eating a poor diet away from picking fresh healthy food?
· Working in an isolated office job?
· Working for someone else doing what they want done?
· Building or making dead things or products for money?
· Working in a physical job like washing a boat out in the sun? Working physically is an improvement but still not for yourself and your community.
· Working in an unexpressive job – where you cannot be yourself?
· Working at any job in a pyramid scheme?
Are the profits of your labor supporting the
destructive pyramid scheme making the few rich at the expense of all of us and
nature? And giving them more ownership and control. Imprisoning you and your
children more and more as time goes by. Reducing you choices more and more.
Increasing the number of laws and rules to prevent you from truly living your
You might see yourself in one of the above or another;
however the point is you have been divided from what makes you truly human and
you living as a human being; at your expense and at the expense of all life for
the benefit of a few.
True happiness can be yours. Firstly you need to know what
it is that leads to your unhappiness. Then you need to know what leads to true
happiness. Then you need to pursue true happiness.
Happiness comes from truly living your life. Thinking and
knowing the knowledge and wisdom of nature and the universe. Living, independent
of the corporate controlled pyramid scheme, in a happy healthy connected
community and doing what it takes to perpetuate life no matter how physical and
simple that way of life may be. Happiness comes from living a happy healthy physical
life of movement, play and relationships with one another and all of nature. Living
in Love, Balance and Harmony with the natural living world is the only way to
achieve true happiness. So if you want to find true happiness you need to be
able to change the way you think, what you believe, and put your energy into
your relationships with others, nature and life and ultimately do everything
you can to separate yourself from the pyramid schemes.
Decentralize your
thoughts and behaviors into small decentralized sustainable communities.
Reestablish the connection to the flow and processes of energy and wisdom of nature
and the universe. Live your life connected to the whole living organism of life
on this planet. Slow down and be a fully experiencing happy healthy living human
Become an observer of yourself, your thoughts and behaviors
and begin to change yourself and our world.
Have a wonderful day!
Denis Moore
Denism’s Guided Quest
for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and
proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my
personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is
designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to
a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others
and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our
Denism: "Live
in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts -
Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
Sunday, August 10, 2014
My world changing tip of the day: Pay attention to what you are doing!
Yesterday I was practicing for a humorous speech contest for Toast Masters on Wednesday. Riding my bicycle, with no hands on the handle bars, I was reciting my speech using my body language and hand gestures when the uneven pavement took the wheels out from beneath me. I landed with my chest on the handle bars and cut a gash in the back of my leg. My chest aches so badly I cannot laugh or cry. So the lessons are many.
The most important of them is never forget we live in a physical world with consequences.
Others would be:
Keep hands on the handle bars.
Pay attention to your safety first.
Are speeches that important?
It is not funny to the one who lands on the handle bars;
Even although it might be funny to others.
Laughing with broken ribs is not a laughing matter.
Neither are stitches.
As one gets older one should get wiser.
Some of us do and others do not, it seems..
Have a Wonderful Day
Denis Moore
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
My world changing tip of the day: The pyramid-scheme, that is killing our world, is...
The pyramid-scheme, that is killing our world, is built upon
abstract values and beliefs that are institutionalized for longevity. Unless we
change our values and beliefs and change the values and beliefs of the institutions,
we will not save our natural world from extinction.
I find this excerpt from the article most interesting: “The US
society is based on six pillars, which are: specialization, competition,
individualism, exceptionalism, consumerism, materialism.”
This is a long piece and I could write a book commenting
on it. It would be much easier to talk about it. Although I must say that this
piece was one of the most concise and revealing pieces of writing I've read in
a long time.
· The statistics
are telling.
· The
Tenants/foundational thoughts or ways of being, although very revealing, Is not
by any means the full set of foundational values and beliefs at the core of
this societal system.
· The pyramid by
design is the pyramid scheme designed and developed by Moses in the Old
Testament/The books of Moses/The Torah.
· The pyramid
stands on the monotheistic values and beliefs of the books of Moses/The Torah
and pays lip service to Christianity.
The institutionalization of these values and beliefs is at the core of its longevity.
The institutionalization of these values and beliefs is at the core of its longevity.
· The foundation of
capitalism and imperialism is in the books of the Torah. The beginnings of lies
and deceit in the control of knowledge.
1. Driven by fear
2. Requiring blind
belief – the beginnings of Ignorance.
3. Belief in one god
– The beginnings of the Pyramid Scheme.
4. A monotheistic
power based system to ensure the absolute and totalitarian centralization of power.
The Beginnings of the Pyramid.
5. The payment of a
percentage to Moses/the church/government to ensure the centralization of power
and control continues… The beginnings of Capitalism.
6. “Thy shalt not
steal.” Private property ownership. The beginning of an ownership society.
7. Ownership of land
– Gods promised land.
8. Segregation –
divide and rule, you are with us or against us/ Divide and conquer/Divide and
rule/Divide and control. The destruction of the socially connected system for
power and control.
9. Elitism – we are
the chosen ones. The clean and the unclean. Divide the elite group from the
masses. The ruling class who know what is going on.
Absolutism – heaven and hell, good and evil, right and wrong black
and white. An over simplified way of seeing the world – easy for control. You
do not want people to think of other possibilities – this sound bite way of
thinking which is dominant in our media. As opposed to the complexity of
reality in the thought universe.
We are above and separate from nature. Dividing the people from
the land and their connected societal groups breaks up any opposition to the
Outlawing thinking and reasonable logic so people cannot see the
Plunder of the Midianites (Numbers chapter 31 3.1 King James’s
Version.) the beginnings of imperialism.
I could go on and on. These are the subjects I teach in
my courses.
Should I be saying this? It is politically
inappropriate. I would be labeled “Anti-Semitic” Anti the pyramid-scheme I am.
Anti-people I am not. What I do is for love or all people and nature. What they
choose to believe I hold them accountable for.
To return to the piece and what I find interesting:
· As above the
driving values and beliefs
· The structural
factors of their dominant and controlling institutions/
Schooling/education/indoctrination systems movies media…
· The propaganda
and use of language
· The ways in which
they impose their will. Religion/Propaganda/Patriotism/Controlled media/
Misinformation/ Selective reporting/Economic sanctions and economic warfare/trade
agreements/economic systems/Warfare/Murder/Plunder and pillaging…
· The ways they lie
and disguise the truth.
· Their ways of
distracting and keeping the population occupied with addictions/trivial
thoughts/watching national sports/playing competitive sports/growing grass and
having to maintain it/ fighting over the same trivial arguments again and again/Political
Debates/Meaningless Elections. Never dealing with the real issues… Like I said
I can go on and on.
While we are distracted we aren’t dealing with the
really important issues.
The only way to change a society is to change the
fundamental values and beliefs of that society. Change the way we think and
behave and we change the world.
Allowing ourselves to be caught up in the distracting conversation
and not making fundamental changes is where we are all going wrong. We need to
begin with the most simple of things. Composting, planting seeds and nurturing
life around us. We need to invest our energy into the perpetuation of life and
empowering ourselves and reconnecting as community and with one another.
Nurturing a value system of: living in Love (connectivity and the sharing of
energy) Balance and Harmony with one another and nature. We need to rebuild
what this pyramid system has plundered and destroyed for the few at the expense
of the masses. We need to come together in cooperation and recreate the
ecosystems of life… “Oh my gosh!” I am wasting valuable time on a piece that
only a few people will see and understand. I am very aware of my limited time
on this planet and I need to make the best use of my time. I thank you for
sending me this article.
Although the thoughts are really clear and relatively
deep in this article, the two things that seem to underlie it are: It does not
provide solutions and it is still a view from within the monetary and labor
paradigm. The socialism websites are the same. They do not see beyond the idea
of a monetary based system. And that is where we need to go to make real fundamental
change happen in the world.
A giving and sharing society that lives in harmony with
the flow of energy of nature is the only way to perpetuate life sustainably
into the future.
It is only with the abstract currencies that wealth can
be abstractly centralized; creating and perpetuating the imbalances that
devastate our natural world.
Only with money can the world be monopolized and owned
by a few. Money is our problem. The dominance of one currency or another makes
no difference. It is just a matter of time before one currency has total
Ok that is enough
Have a Great Evening
Denis M (Denism.)
For those who would like to look at the
article I am referring to you can follow this link
Denism’s Guided Quest
for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and
proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my
personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is
designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to
a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others
and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts -
Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Money does not make the world go round.
Hello Friend,
The above seems to need some clarity.
1. The main
purpose of capitalism might on the face of it seem to be to gather capital/money;
however that is not its purpose. Its purpose is private ownership of all energy
systems: land; food; water and human energy… Capitalism as is the stock
exchange is just a means to own and control it all.
2. This is
done by:
· An
objective/materialist view of processes and calling them 'things'.
· Setting a
value or a price on those things. (coming from the detached value and
belief system of religion)
· Equating
money to things; units, quantities – mass; volume; area; time… makes money just
an abstract tool. Based on a lie.
reality every energy being and process is not a thing and should not be divided
into units and quantities because this is not the true nature of the processes
of energy and motion which is their true value. (I will explain later.)
3. Energy
combined with energy is power – capitalism is the tool to gain the absolute centralization
of power and control and ownership of everything through the process of
monopolization of everything with the use of money the abstract tool.
All processes are interrelated in connected
ecosystems of energy life and relationships that make us thrive. Love is
connectivity and the sharing of energy that makes life possible and thrive.
This is the universal wisdom.
That is why divide and rule is so important to
capitalism. Break it all up into units put a price on ‘everything’ then you can
buy and sell it all and monopolize ‘everything’; taking absolute ownership of
all of the energy and power of our world. (All of these are based on the values
and beliefs of the religion and government)
In fact all of the major institutions that persuade
us to think this way and force us to continue to behave in this way are based
on the same values and beliefs. Religion, schools, education, government, militaries,
policing, courts laws, media, business, Hollywood movies, corporations, banking…)
To clarify: I gave a speech about thinking outside the box
or should I say pyramid-scheme on Wednesday. In the next speech the chairman
said: “Money is what makes the world go round!” This would be thinking inside
the monetary pyramid/box. When in reality it is energy that makes the world go
round. It is energy that makes the world and everything in it go round or move
in cycles of change. But when we talk from within the paradigm we think of
money and jobs and the work ethic… We need to see everything in context.
When we sell land we are not selling a dead unit area. We
are giving up all of the processes of life into the future. We are destroying
our connected relationships with all life and the land. We are giving up what
makes us who we are. We are the land the plants the animals and all the
processes of giving and receiving energy. No processes are a “things” nor
should they be separated and given value and monopolized for the benefit of a
few at the expense of all of us and nature. We are energy beings of a connected
energy world and universe.
How we were
convinced to accept this abstract reality beats me!
Have a great evening!
Saturday, August 2, 2014
My world changing tip of the day: Think when you use “product” in our environment!
When cleaning your home or work space or wherever, ask
yourself a few questions:
- would I drink this,
- is it good for me to breathe?
- How does this affect me if I use it on myself?
Then decide whether to use it on the environment or not.
What we do to our environment, nature the world, the air, water, land, and all
of life we do to ourselves! Think before you act.
Think about the combined effect of billions of people using “products”
that are polluting and poisoning our world.
Every drop you use has an effect. So how much you use is
critical. If you have to use a chemical use it very sparingly. For example use
very little washing powder if your clothes do not need much. Some times to rinse them in water is enough. Use a few drops of
dish-soap only if you need to; rather just rinse them immediately after use without
using soap. Humans survived for a long time without ‘Product’. Anti-bacterial
soaps are killing the foundations of life.
Remember the chain of life. It begins with energy and micro-organisms
and bacteria and moving up the chain of life to insects, insect eaters like
birds and geckos rodents and cats and dogs all the way up to larger animals and
If we are killing the very foundations of life by our use of products
we are killing ourselves. Life gives
life to life. Break the chain and we are heading for extinction.
To clean, maybe vinegar and water will do, instead of soaps
and chemical detergents?
So think!
Would I drink this?
Then maybe I should not be using it.
How does this affect my lungs?
Should I be using this?
No? Then don’t!
Everything we do has an effect on our natural world and thus on us and ultimately our survival as a species.
Have a great day!
Denism’s Guided Quest
for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and
proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my
personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is
designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to
a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others
and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts -
Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
Thursday, July 31, 2014
World War III - Refuse to fight.
World War III - Refuse
to fight.
Hey Friend,
After our conversation
yesterday about: Driving people into poverty to be able to use them for a world
war. I have been listening to the people I meet every day. I have learned
over the years they are usually good reporters of the propaganda. The racial
tensions are growing. This morning I woke up with the words "Emerging
markets" in my head.
It is becoming so much
clearer to me.
Now that labor and
production is not working to keep the capitalistic wheels turning. Consumers in developed societies are not the
consumers they once were, because they have everything they need (relatively speaking) Capital speculation
is at its peak or in collapse.
Wars are the only way
for capitalism/imperialism to remain in business.
The drive for wars is
not only for resources: raw materials; minerals; oil... and people’s
energy/labor to do work and markets to sell products to. It is to destroy
infrastructure to create the necessity to rebuild keeping the capitalistic
machine expanding and running. Without new places to expand into, people and
nature to exploit and something to build and all the 'resources' and energy to
build it; products (as produced by the
military products from the military industrial complex) produced in
capitalistic countries cannot be sold. These are the places where they
have the beautiful capitalistic gardens of 'emerging markets'. Not to mention
the extraction of wealth and energy from the people who pay for the wars
No one looks at the
devastation to people lives and nature to empower the few who really profit
from the containment of people and the devastation of nature and life for the
power and wealth of a few.
The world is being
driven into poverty and the people are being prepared for world war.
So the capitalists can
destroy as much as possible to create new 'Emerging markets'.
It is the mind of the
sociopath that could come up with this!
They realize no war no
capitalism - that is why they are constantly trying to pick a fight and expand.
If we do not fall for it
and refuse to fight this would be the greatest revolution of all time.
Don't fight and
capitalism dies... this seems like the best idea I have had so far...
Denis Moore
"Help Save our
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
Tel: 954 882 5298
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Thursday, July 24, 2014
My world changing tip of the day: Don’t argue from within.
Don’t argue from within a paradigm or schooled way of
You cannot argue economics from within the monetary economic
system; because it is an untrue, abstract and unnatural system. Money coin
paper plastic digits on a screen all abstractly represent real energy – they do
not contain the energy they represent – they are symbolic representations of
energy – you cannot eat money and survive. The real economic system is: The sun
shines and radiates energy outwards, as do most other beings in the universe. The
radiated energy is received by other beings, life and the planet. Simply put: “The
sun shines the plants grow. We eat the plants and we grow.” “Universal wisdom: We live in a Giving and
Receiving energy universe.” This is the true economic system. You have to
have a universal view to be able to stand outside the monetary economic system
and the natural system to see what is happening. For example: To see how we are
converting living energy systems into dead abstract money; because of the
pyramid scheme and its values and beliefs.
As people living in centralized cities, caught up in the pyramid
designed lifestyle. Separated from our basic human rights to land food water
knowledge and having to work, for the man, to perpetuate the power and control
of the "owners" who rule us. From within the slave prison camps – cities without
access to our basic human rights our conversation from within the paradigm is: “Get
a job" "Make some money” “Don’t be lazy” “Be positive" "Be more efficient and
effective” “don’t waste time” "Be more positive"…. What we should be saying is: "Create a sustainable
ecosystem around you." "Spread out on the land, create water and food security" "Grow food around you for yourselves and others". "Take only what you need" "Give and receive in balance". Arguing, about jobs and who’s
lazy and who is not, is to argue from within the destructive paradigm that is
killing our natural world.
Living in a dominant western pyramid society with materialism as one of the founding beliefs. Science and physics is biased towards materialism. If you stand outside the system you can observe the bias. If
you know or understand the natural cyclical energy motion nature of our
relative universe you will see clearly the bias towards materialism and
absolutism and other values of our dominant religious pyramid paradigm.
Arguing religion, from within the Bible will get you nowhere
because of the contradictions. There are two opposing philosophies deftly woven
together. There is an argument for and against many fundamental thoughts. So
you will just go back and forth; never finding your way out of the insanity of
the pyramid system. This is a very clever way of justifying the pyramid system
and the centralization of power and control over all people and the planet for
the benefit of a few.
We are so schooled and indoctrinated by the pyramid scheme
to perpetuate it. We are running like hamsters on a wheel or like donkeys
chasing the illusive money carrot. We have become so dumbed down through
specialization that we don’t have the perspective we need to be able to be
outside observers of ourselves and the thought control systems that control us.
We are so caught up with arguments, within the paradigms of
the pyramid systems, we cannot see the truth. So the majority of us are unable
to make better or wiser choices.
The solutions are not within. To Help Save Our World for our
children we need to find the truth. We need to ask questions like:
What is the true economic system?
What is
the true natural balancing system?
What do we have to do to perpetuate healthy
happy lives?
These answers are not to be found from within the Pyramid
Scheme and all its institutionalized controlled thoughts and behaviors.
You have to step outside the boxes of the mind that separate
us. We have to come together as one with the life force of the natural economic
system. To ensure that we not only survive but we thrive and live happy healthy
lives in Love Balance and Harmony with all life; within the womb of mother
earth. We have to reconnect with the energy of life and nature all around us.
Don’t be controlled and divided by fear and blind belief any
more. Think and use reasonable logic to find the truth. It is out there if you
are only able to be open minded and have a honest heart and question everything
in search of the truth. Think outside the pyramids controlled thought.
How long has it been since you woke up before the dawn and
experienced the transition from shadow into sunshine and stayed outside to
experience all the changes throughout the light cycle experiencing the fading of the light into shadow? If it has been a long a while,
I suggest you make a point of getting out into nature or going to the beach and
living the experience. Begin to think outside the absolutist concept of day
and night, light and darkness; the cycles are not absolute. Begin to appreciate the cycles
of change as they are happening. The abstract ways of thinking of the pyramid scheme are untrue to nature and who and what we are.
Have a great outdoor cyclical experience of sunshine changing in intensity throughout the day and fading into shadow, experience the effects of the moons cycles through the night and the shadow of dawn easing into sunshine and all of the different variations in between. Realize that it is all about cycles upon cycles that create our cyclical energy reality. Life is not about abstract absolutes as implied with in the abstract values and beliefs of the pyramids scheme.
Now practice thinking with a perspective from outside the thought
controlled paradigms. Think from outside the pyramid schemes. The pyramid creates
extreme imbalances of power and control; greed; wars; hatred; plunder; it
divides and rules; and is killing our natural world. Begin to distinguish between thoughts and language from within the pyramid paradigm and know the truth.
The answers to our world’s problems can only be found with an
honest or truthful observes perspective. So don’t waste your time and energy
arguing from within a paradigm. When others argue from within become an
observer and a thinker of alternatives from outside the paradigms.
I will bring you more solutions soon
Denis M
Denism’s Guided Quest
for the Truth provides answers to some of life's most profound questions and
proposes ways to Help Save our World. It is a course which is based on my
personal quest for the truth and my life’s experiences and world travels. It is
designed to take you on a paradigm shifting thought and experiential journey to
a new way of thinking and being. It will empower you to be able to teach others
and together we will change our world forever.
"Help Save our
Denism: "Live
in love, balance and Harmony!"
eBook: "Gifts -
Giving and receiving we maintain the balances of life!"
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