As a child
growing up in Africa much of it was pristine natural bush and on indigenous
cultural land then things began to change at an ever accelerating rate from
that natural, giving and receiving - love and life based sustainable system: to
the male dominated religious fear and death – taking, plundering, extraction, monetary,
capitalistic, business, monopolistic economic system. I watched as we were
driven from the land into towns and cities, and as life died around me. I
watched as the topsoil and trees were washed away into the oceans when we had
flooding rainfall. I didn’t understand then what I know and understand now!
As a child we
lived in a sustainable eco-village on a hill on the foothills of the Drakensberg
Mountains on the South East Coast of Natal - now called: Kwa Zulu Natal; where
we shared the land with the Zulu chief and his wives and his extended family. I
took it for granted that life grew prolifically all around us. The biodiversity
we constantly increased by visiting neighboring farms and getting cuttings and
seeds and shoots and sprouts; which we had great pleasure planting and
nurturing. We had all sorts of birds, chickens, Muscovy ducks, and wild birds
all around us. There would be swarms of swallows eating the flying ants when it
rained… We had pigs and wild animal life monkeys and small buck in the
surrounding forests and ravines, there was prolific life all around us from insects
to spiders to frogs and snakes, bees and bumble bees. There were mushrooms
growing around the base of the old growth trees that we could pick and eat. It
was a living paradise all we did was sustain it by adding a little bit more to
it when we felt like doing so. Nature naturally multiplies what you put into it,
if you pay attention to it, you can get more than what you need out of it. Living
in love with nature and nurturing life around us we lived very healthy happy
sustainable lives.
natural living and agriculture is the system that had humans living sustain-ably on the land throughout natural history of human and animal existence on the
planet. It is this life nurturing system that we all originate from. It was
based on the understanding that life gives life to life. The sun shines and the
plants grow, we eat the plants and we grow, so if we ensure that life is happy
healthy and abundant around us we will not only survive we will live happy
healthy lives in an abundant world or shall I say paradise. The only natural
economic system is the natural energy system. Life works the opposite to
entropy; it builds in complexity and multiplies what you put into it.
Natural agriculture, and Polly-culture are similar love-life based systems.
Permaculture uses indigenous knowledge and wisdom, then by designing improves
upon it. For example: creating complex and productive eco-systems through
succession planting and creating a succession of swales and catchment dams; all
of these system working together to create abundant water and food security.
This is done by combining natural and indigenous cultural knowledge and wisdom
with simple scientific knowledge and systems to make it even better.
Agriculture takes the love-life system learns from observation of nature to
grow complex systems into abundance. Casting what is not used from the previous
crop on the land to ensure the constant development of the humus in the soil.
Then casting clay incased topsoil and seeds on the ground, doing away with mechanical
tilling of the soil and planting; this simple system reducing the amount of
labor and the use of technology. Creating independence from money, mechanization,
plowing, fertilizing, fossil fuels… of the capitalistic death based
agribusiness system; while still creating abundance all around you.
culture takes companion planting to the next level; creating abundance and preventing
predation through symbiotic plant relationships.
The above systems
realize the importance of all life and their contributions to creating love,
balance and harmony ecosystems. These systems are constantly giving back
through constantly developing rich topsoil full of nutrients so future life
grows strong healthy and abundantly. These love-life systems are the opposite
of the Fear-death monoculture taking, extraction, capitalistic, monetary, monopolistic,
technological, fossil fuel, poisoning, killing, yields and profit agribusiness
corporate system.
is a loveless –taking, killing system, that plunders - no matter what the
expense to nature and life. This is a
very short term profitable system. Eventually all the systems are depleted and
it collapses. This is why monopolistic Uncivilized - 'Civilizations' have risen and fallen
throughout history. When do we ever learn?
Just some of
the problems associated with Monoculture agribusiness:
– expanding deserts.
plowing results in the aeration of the topsoil which causes the bacteria in the
soil to multiply like blowing oxygen into a fire; they then eat up the humus in
the topsoil at an accelerated rate.
displacement of life – huge mono-cultures cover most of the arable land across
most continents; not leaving any space for life to live and grow.
is the main cause of the highest extinction rate since the dinosaurs.
use of fertilizers which only replaces very few of the necessary nutrients health
plants and humans need.
engineering and the insertion of poison genes into the seeds to withstand the
herbicides, pesticides… causing tumors and cancers.
use of herbicides (poisons) to kill all competing plant-life, kills the other
plants which used to hold onto the topsoil with their root systems.
(poisons) kill all of the insect life worms and the micro-organisms in the soil
killing the chain of life.
killing all fungal growth many of which are essential for the chain of life and
some are expressed in the mushrooms we eat which are essential for good health
and longevity…
(poisons) that kill insects and have been responsible for the bee populations collapses
in North America and around the world. Bees are essential for pollination, the
cross fertilization of many fruit and nut producing plants. Our survival
depends upon the bees and other insects.
xenohormone or xenoestrogenic effects of these poisons are affecting all forms
of life. Humans sperm count is dropping, many cancers and other hormonal imbalance
related diseases and disorders in humans.
These poisons wash into our rivers and oceans killing the chain of life there; killing the plankton - phyto plankton and zooplankton – the beginnings of plant and animal life. Fish and frogs etc. being hermaphrodites they change their sex to female with the extra Xenoestrogen in the water affecting the continuation of life in the rivers and oceans.
These poisons wash into our rivers and oceans killing the chain of life there; killing the plankton - phyto plankton and zooplankton – the beginnings of plant and animal life. Fish and frogs etc. being hermaphrodites they change their sex to female with the extra Xenoestrogen in the water affecting the continuation of life in the rivers and oceans.
results of this form of agribusiness in humans are many, toxins, weak immune
systems, nutrient less products creating a week population prone to sicknesses
and diseases.
simplified diet.
Not living
in healthy loving relationships with nature results in all sorts of
physiological and psychological problems. I can go on and on about the pollution
from burning, and the use of fossil fuels, the poisons in the air we breathe,
the displacement of animals and life as well as the whole abusive system of
animal flesh production facilities…the list goes on and on.
Just one
more that must be mentioned though: When we all lived in sustainable
eco-villages on the land there was an incredible amount biodiversity; cultural
seed varieties from different regions and animal species which were raised by
independent communities. Now with the centralization of power and the
plundering of the world and herding of humans into cities/prison labor camps
and the subsidization of mono-culture farming like Monsanto in America; all of
the cultural diversity is being lost at an ever accelerating rate. This happens through the flooding
of markets in cities in countries, like in Mexico City, and around the world
with the cheap subsidized products from American-agribusiness. This prevents local small farms and indigenous farmers from being able to bring their produce
to market; thus causing the collapse of their farms and the loss of all of the
biodiversity that they supported. As a result they have been forced to migrate
to the cities to get ‘jobs’ earn an unnatural living. This is another cause of mass extinctions of life, cultures languages and natural wisdom.
To put it in
a few words this fear-death monetary capitalistic monopolistic centralization
of power system is designed to make very few people very rich in a short period
of time, while plundering and destroy our world and destroying our quality of
life. This is a Fear and Death based economy.
While we
remain unaware, uninformed and distracted the situation becomes worse at an ever
accelerating rate. Coming back from this is not easy, it is a process and takes
time, focus and effort to achieve, the longer we wait and the longer we make
bad food choices, the worse the situation will become and the harder it will be
to recover and the greater the suffering will be; however it is not impossible.
Many years later, I went back
to see our amazing magical paradise/eco-village and there was
nothing there. It was just a bald knoll. No loving relationships. Years and
years of no love and no attention and constant taking; it was all dead and
gone. We have a choice with our planet, either we wake up and pay attention and
become a love and life based world; or just like Easter Island, when we do it
will be too late and total extinction will be the result of our plundering.
solutions are many:
your cuttings peals and leaves and grass and use it as composting to nourish
the soil around you.
using unnatural poisons,
supporting the killing industries.
the seeds all around you.
your own food.
support love and life based systems.
only locally grown food in season from the above love-life based farmers and
- gather your tribes and begin to set up sustainable eco-villages.
on a guided personal quest to discover the truth about our world, life, nature,
and the universe.
the positive seeds of thought in your minds and in the minds of your children.
a vision of your future life: living in love, balance, harmony, with others,
all life, nature and the universe.
· Create a vision of living: healthy, happy, abundant, lives in sustainable living
choose love and life, focus on it and practice manifesting it and it will
become the world you and your children live in.
sending you children to western schooling systems that teach and promote the objective
materialistic consumer death economy.
There is no
time like now to turn this all around; and never before in the history of the world
have there been so many hands and the ability to Help Save Our World than we
have now. All we need is the will to do so and to do it.
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