Friday, December 25, 2015

Get out on your own way for a day!

Get out on your own way for a day!
It has been said that what we think about and choose each day is only the tip of the ice berg of the choices we make every day. The rest of what drives our actions is that which we have previously conditioned ourselves to do as we move through our lives very day. This is our subconscious and emotional program which drives most of our decisions or choices every day! These thoughts and emotional and subconscious responses combined is what are responsible for the quality of our lives and our relationships. Wouldn’t you like to live magical life, with magical people around you?
This subconscious programming is held in our emotional feelings within our physical/energy being; which we are mostly unaware of. When a situation arises, if we can learn to step out of ourselves and become an observer of self (some might refer to it the ultra-ego) we will become aware of a rising emotion or feeling within us. Then we can preempt our conditioned response and replace it with a more appropriate response to the situation.

I can remember accidentally cutting a woman off while driving my car. At the stoplight she literally climbed through her car window up to her hips, was waving her arms and was pointing and screaming at me. Having previously thought about this, I immediately became the observer of situation, I could see her behavior; I could feel my emotional response rising within me. Then I said to myself I’m aware of what I am feeling and I choose to respond positively. So I smiled kindly, putting my open hands up, and mouthed; “I’m sorry!” She, like an embarrassed turtle, withdrew her body back into her car shell, feeling embarrassed at her inappropriate reactive behavior.

Many of us have stories in our heads that we have told ourselves over and over again. When a particular situation arises, let’s say with your mother, we repeat tell ourselves the same old, same old story. “You always do this to me!” “You never listen to me!” These conditioned responses results in the same old, same old conditioned responses from your mother. An argument ensues, and each one of you repeats the same old emotional subconscious responses again and again. No one is listening or connecting with one another anymore. No one is hearing, just a fire of passion rises into a raging destructive war, and you are both so hurt in the end. Against both of our desires your relationship is just getting worse and worse. Of course you love one another and have no desire to hurt one another, and yet you do, over and over again.

Why not for once, this year get out of your own way, by becoming conscious and aware in the moment, and as a giant with immense power – treat the world with kid-gloves, with subtle kindness and compassion. Step outside yourself, as you feel the emotions arising from the triggers that normally set you off and become the observer of yourself and others behaviors. Become the mature compassionate loving person you are, make better choices in those moments. Be the powerful, magical, kind, loving, compassionate, respectful, considerate being you truly can be. Put up your hands, smile and say you are sorry. Being right or wrong does not matter in most instances.

Do something personal and close together, go and play outside laugh and smile together, suntan together, clean the house together, paint one another’s  toe nails, brush one another’s hair, massage one another,  do something intimate, or close or move and play together, say amazing magical things to one another ; these activities will improve your relations. Chimps spend time grooming one another; humans love the same degree of love and attention.  Lie down on a blanket outside in the park in personal contact with one another; one person’s head in the others lap. Lie outside on blanket outside with your children and stargaze see who can see the most satellites, planets and stars. Choose any one of these activities; create your own special intimate, ways to connect with your loved ones. It is in giving that we receive. Spending time together connecting and giving and receiving energy, is the magic of life. We all live for our relationships to one another, nature, and the universe.

Become connected instead of estranged, unhappy and depressed. If there is already damage done, fix it immediately. Don’t let it wait. The wounds you create can last a lifetime in the hearts minds and subconscious emotional beings of your loved ones. It will be harder to repair later. Rather make that emotional and subconscious mind be the amazing energy you are inside!

Get out on your own preconditioned subconscious emotional responses for a day, a month, a year, a lifetime. Become the magical loving shining light you are within and have the power to be to all others around you. You can live an amazing magical life; it is up to you!
Be the best most amazing magical being you can be!


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Give your body what it needs and it will heal itself.

I healed my skin cancer, healed my spine (injured when I was rear ended by a truck) and lost 30 pounds when I spent three months in Costa Rica. I did this with diet, exercise, sunlight, connecting with nature, and rest.
I decided when I arrived to only eat raw locally grown fruits and vegetables and eat very little cooked rice and beans. Every morning I made raw locally grown smoothies which often ended up in two to three glasses (parsley, broccoli, carrots, green beans, turmeric, banana and other fruits and local chocolate powder mixed with hot green tea. That held me over until one o’clock. For lunch I made big green leaf wraps of guacamole, tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger… or whatever I had available from the local farmers markets. I put turmeric on everything.
I fed the dogs before dawn. I walked them on the beaches and through the natural bush at first light and in the afternoons before dinner. I napped when I needed to, the rest of the time I did the odd chores and explored nature. The first five days I was too scared to surf. The next five days I began surfing small waves then I put my neck out. For ten days I was in so much pain; I could not touch a hair on my head. However, I kept on eating the diet and walking the dogs in the sunlight and resting. As the pain began to ease I began surfing again. Before I knew it I was jogging, then teaching others how to surf and swimming …
By the end of the three months in Costa Rica, I had lost 30 pounds; I was down to my 17 year old weight; I was surfing five hours a day (very energetically I must say); running; riding bicycle; doing yoga; all while still walking the dogs. I transformed my body health and life in three months.
The parsley is one of the richest sources of vitamins and minerals and calcium in the plants we eat. Turmeric, green tea, pepper… all of the ingredients I used are great for your health. The environment, the relationships to plants, animals, and humans all lead to me once again being a healthy, happy, human being.
“The sun shines the plants grow we eat the plants and we grow!” We are the complex patterns of energy of nature and the universe! We are nature within nature!
We are the patterns of energy of the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, the galaxies and the energy patterns of life and our environment. We are the patterns of the energy of life, of nature, of the universe within the universe.
We are, or should be, magical beings living magical natural lives in a natural world and universe!
Give your body the magical natural patterns of energy it needs and it will heal itself!
Have a magical day!
Oh yes! I only drank the fresh tap water as well!
If you want to live a sustainable healthy happy lives,
• You need to change the way you think and how you live your lives and
• Change what you teach your children,
• Decentralize - get out of the cities,
• Create water and food security,
• Grow your own food and heal your bodies, minds and relationships!
• The ‘spirituality’ you seek, is not some ethereal thing, it is in the energy relationships around you.
• Live Move (play) in Love Balance and Harmony with the flow of the patterns of energy of nature life and the universe.
• Learn the universal and natural wisdom I have gathered for you!
"Help Save our World!"
Denism: "Live in love, balance and Harmony!"
If you wish to learn more click on the free links below. If you wish for my guidance and or want to learn more, call or email me!
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